Strategic planning day

19 October, 9.30-3pm


9-9.30: Arrive and mingle

9.30-10.15: NOW: Mission and 6 purpose areas

How are we going in our commitment and effectiveness in our mission and 6 purpose areas?

Mission: Making, maturing, and multiplying disciples of Jesus

6 purpose areas: Worship, Mission, Maturity, Ministry, Community and Next Generation

Please read the Reach Australia framework document in preparation, especially point 4 and 5

10.15-10.30: Morning tea

10.30-12.15: WHERE: Vision, future development, growth barriers

Where are we going? What is the goal?

Please watch these two videos in preparation

Breaking Growth Barriers 1 - 32 mins

Breaking Growth Barriers 2 - 22 mins (optional if you don't have time)

12.15-1.15: Lunch

1.15-2.30: HOW: Considering priorities for the next 3 years in our 6 purpose areas

How will we get there?

2.30-3: Reflection and prayer

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